Sonoma Is All About the New!

Since our last posting of "What's new in Sonoma Bay", we have added community benches within the community. Benches are located in the tennis court, tot lot and a children' reading bench near the sidewalk going towards the gym. New dumpster doors for all the dumpster locations, new dumpster cans and installed new hedges along the dumpster walls to complete the new look.
Over 1,000 cubic feet of mulch has been put down adding some beauty to the community as well. We plan to add 100 bags per month to complete the look.
New gutters were installed on all garage units and we are now finishing the gutters on Gardenia Court and Hibiscus Lane. Next we will install on Sonoma, Alamanda and Oleander to complete the project.
Future Projects for 2013 still includes two new water fountains for our lake, surveillance cameras by all dumpsters and new patio pool furniture. Other future projects to include will be blacktopping the roads and new sod throughout the community.
Sonoma Bay Reading Program was such an success, we decided to add a Math program and near future a Science Program. We are here to provide our residents an opportunity for their kids to receive that extra attention they need in their education. Martin Luther King, Jr. stated "Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today." We encourage all residents to bring their kids grades 1 -6th to attend this free program. Math is held on Monday's and Wednesday's and Reading is held on Tuesday's and Thursday's from 4:30-6 PM. Parents are welcome to volunteer!

Tennis Court Reading Bench

Reading Bench at Tot lot

Children's Reading Bench

New Dumpster Doors

New Garbage Dumpsters

New Hedges

New Landscaping and Mulch

Gutters on Non Garage Units

Ms. Shauna Turner
Reading Specialist: Tuesday's and Thursday's Class

Mr. Trindale Adams
Math Specialist:Monday's and Wednesday's Class